To avoid making this document seem too formidable, the algebra
has been separated from the main text. You can find the details by clicking on
words highlighted in blue, as they appear. I recommend reading the sections
involving the mathematics, regardless of how long it has been since you took
Calculus. After all, you will not be asked to derive anything, and there will be
no quiz at the end, so you might as well wade through the entire thing. As a
reward for doing so, you will find every algebraic step explained in English,
and every so often you will find some associations between this material and
other areas of geology (such as hydrogeology and seismology). But if you decide
to skip the sections that deal with the details, you will still understand the
material at a level higher than that provided in most Physical Geology
textbooks. At the end I have included some comments intended to stimulate
discussion of the material with students. Some of them can also be converted
into test questions.
In the 17th Century, Gilbert collected data on
compass measurements from seamen and posited the existence of a magnetic field
around the earth. He envisaged the earth as a giant lodestone with a permanent
dipole field oriented parallel to the planet's axis of rotation. But in the
20th Century, the decay time of the field around a magnet with the
dimensions of the earth and a conductivity of the outer core was estimated to be
of the order 10,000 to 15,000 years, which suggests that a planet whose age is a
few billion years should have lost any original magnetic field long ago.
The reason for the decay is partly the fact that the temperature of the
earth's core is well above the Curie temperature, and partly the existence of
electric currents in the core, which generate heat because of electrical
resistance, and therefore dissipate magnetic energy. For these reasons, the
earth's magnetic field should not be sustainable. Yet paleomagnetic data show a
continuous record of magnetic activity for at least 100 million years. Since the
field has not dissipated, there must be a regeneration mechanism to sustain the
source of magnetic energy. The dynamo mechanism is the most plausible one. In
this tutorial, "dynamo" refers to a process, rather than to a particular model.
The general principles that underlie the regeneration of a field are discussed.
The discussion involves a descriptive approach based on some of the work of
Michael Faraday and a more complicated approach based on Maxwell's equations.
References are included at the end, from which more details can be
Description of Electromagnetic
The standard description of electromagnetic phenomena is given
by Maxwell's equations. In the mid-19th Century, Maxwell synthesized
some earlier work of Ampere, Faraday, and Gauss, and showed that a system of
equations representing all of their individual studies provides a complete
description of the interaction between electrical and magnetic fields. This
"model" shows that electricity and magnetism are not separate entities, just
different manifestations of a single phenomenon called electromagnetism.
Easily Done, Great Demonstration
Before getting to the system of equations, it is useful to think
about some demonstrations that can be done with simple laboratory equipment. A
number of years ago I spent several years teaching Physics in a high school. It
was a tiring experience, but a fruitful one. I used to begin the unit on
electromagnetism with a demonstration using a coil of wire that was wrapped
around a wooden cylinder which was mounted to a circular wooden base. It looked
like a large candle with a few thousand turns of wire wrapped around it. The
base had a terminal on either side of the cylinder, and each end of the wire on
the "candle" was attached to one of them. Connecting another piece of wire from
one terminal to the other made a closed circuit. For the demonstration, I would
insert a galvanometer into the part of the circuit formed by the second piece of
wire. A galvanometer can be set up either as an ammeter or voltmeter (micro-amps
and micro-volts, that is). For conceptual convenience, I set it up as an
ammeter. From the zero position, the galvanometer's needle can move to the left
or right, depending on the direction of the current in the circuit.
Because there was no power source, there was no current, so the needle
on the meter was at zero. But when I took a bar magnet and inserted it into the
hollow cylinder, the needle would move. This always got the students' attention
because they could see that the circuit was not connected to a power source.
Then I would remove the magnet, and the needle would move in the other
direction. Clearly, a current was being generated in the coil of wire. A third
thing I did was to vary the speed of the magnet. A slowly moving magnet produced
a small movement of the needle (presumably, a small current); a rapidly moving
magnet resulted in a large amount of movement (a large current).
I always
began with this demonstration because I wanted the students to get over the
"hump" involved with dealing with something that is fairly abstract - an
electromagnetic field.
The demonstration made clear that something strange
was happening; a current was "induced" in the coil of wire by the magnet. There
was no physical contact between the magnet and the wire, so somehow, a force was
applied to something in the wire, over a distance, and in a manner the students
could not see.
When they saw for themselves that something puzzling was
happening (after all, everyone knows you need a battery or a wall socket to
produce a current), the students were ready for an explanation. The explanation
involves three things: an electrical conductor, a magnet, and motion. The third
component is just as important as the other two, because without motion, the
electric and magnetic fields are independent. When they are in motion, they
interact to produce a variety of effects. The demonstration provides the
foundation needed to understand the dynamo process.
I should add that I
do this demonstration in my introductory college Geology courses and it never
fails to get the students' attention. In fact, a student once told me that a
friend who recommended the course specifically mentioned the demonstration. I
hope the friend remembered more about the course, but I take what I can
Standard Approach to Electromagnetism
During the first half of the 19th Century, the
experimental work of Faraday, Ampere and Gauss was "translated" into the
language we call Partial Differential Equations. About the middle of the
19th Century, Maxwell synthesized and modified slightly the earlier
work, and came up with the system of equations that bear his name. Not many
Geologists are comfortable dealing with partial differential equations,
especially when they are expressed in the exotic notation that is used below,
that of vector analysis, but if you keep the demonstration I described in mind,
you will recognize the different parts of it in these equations.
Maxwell's Description of the Electromagnetic Field
A slightly restricted form of Maxwell's equations, which is
suitable for studying the motions of an electrically conducting fluid in the
earth's core is:
The difference between this version of Maxwell's equations and
the complete system involves a term Maxwell added to Ampere's equation. It
represents a current whose value is negligible when the motions are small
relative to the speed of light, so it is customary to omit the term in studies
of the earth's magnetic field.
A Walk Through the Equations
First look at Ampere's Law. It relates changes in the magnetic
field strength B, to an electric current, J. We will get to
what the word "changes" means shortly. In a laboratory experiment, the
field strength determines how large an object the magnet can pick up.
The second equation, Faraday's Law, relates changes in
the electric field strength E (think of it as the voltage) to the rate at
which the magnetic field B changes.
Moving on, Ohm's Law states
that the electric current J is proportional to the electric field
strength (the "sigma E" term) and to a current induced by the
effect of motion (with velocity u) on the magnetic field B (the
sigma times [u x B] term has the units of
Finally, the two Gauss' Laws represent conservation conditions
that B and E must satisfy. They will be used to simplify things
The Coefficients
The symbols and
represent the magnetic permeability, the electrical conductivity, and
the dielectric constant, respectively. The symbol q represents the charge
density, a scalar function (which, like heat, can vary from place to place, but
has no directional properties).
The magnetic permeability is a
proportionality constant relating a magnetic field to an electric current. The
conductivity (the reciprocal of the resistance) governs the strength of the
electric current associated with a particular electric field. And the dielectric
constant determines the maximum electric field strength.
The Vector Notation
The term (u x B) is the "cross," or vector
product one learns about in introductory Physics courses. This term gives the
voltage induced by the interaction between the motion of the fluid and
the magnetic field. Multiplying by the conductivity gives units of current
(recall the current "induced" in the coil of wire by the motion of the magnet).
The terms ( )
and (
represent the vector operations called curl and divergence,
respectively. They may look like the cross product and "dot" product used in
Physics courses, but they are more involved. They are shorthand representations
of ways to differentiate vector quantities. They usually are
covered in third semester Calculus courses. Basically, we use the curl to
represent shears or rotations, and the divergence to represent volume changes.
Click here for more
details on these operations.
What Do the Equations Say?
Looking back at Maxwell's equations now, it should be clear that
they are coupled to each other. Faraday's law "says" that a rotation of
the electric field lines (the curl of E) causes the value of the magnetic
field strength to change with time (the dB/dt term). And Ampere's law
"says" that a rotation of the magnetic field lines (the curl of B)
produces (induces) an electric current, J. Finally, Ohm's law
"says" that this current has two components, one caused by the electric
field (the voltage), and one caused by the interaction between the motion of the
fluid and the magnetic field.
Recall the Demonstration?
These statements are equivalent to what I said about the
demonstration in the Physics classes. The key is motion. It couples things
together. Look at Maxwell's equations again. If the magnetic field lines of
B, in Ampere's equation, are not moving in space (that is, if ), there is no current J. If I had not inserted the magnet into
the coil of wire (the motion), no current would have been generated. Or, we can
say that if B in Faraday's Law is not changing with time, the electric
field E is stationary (in which case (
If B does change with time, so does E. The faster I moved the
magnet, the stronger the current induced in the coil. Motion is required for the
interactions that characterize electromagnetic phenomena. That statement will be
an important part of what follows.
Using Maxwell's Equations to Make a Dynamo
Now it is time to do some algebra. To use Maxwell's equations to
describe the dynamo effect that produces the earth's magnetic field, we take
advantage of the coupling between the equations. We eliminate some variables by
substituting some of the equations into the others. Simplifying the results
requires the use of some algebra involving the vector operations,
curl and divergence. This is done elsewhere in this document. Click
here to see the details. The end result of the algebra is an equation called
the Induction Equation, described below.
Results of the Derivation
The algebraic operations result in a Partial Differential
Equation called the Induction Equation. This equation "says" that the
time history of the magnetic field has two components, one involving the
dissipation of the field due to thermal effects and the other involving spatial
variations in the flow.
The equation is similar in form to one used in
Hydrogeologic studies. Click
here to seen an association with that topic.
Solving the Induction Equation
The Induction Equation contains terms (the derivatives) which
specify the manner in which the magnetic field varies with time and in space. A
solution to this equation is a function B(x,y,z,t), which when graphed,
shows a picture of the field in space as it changes with time. But solving the
equation is complicated by the fact that although it is an equation for
B, it also contains u. So we have one equation
with two unknowns. There are two approaches to dealing with this problem: a
complicated one (called the dynamic approach) that gives quantitative results,
and a simpler one (called the kinematic approach) that gives more restricted
results. Click
here for an explanation of the two approaches.
Analyzing the Induction Equation
To extract information about the solution of the Induction
Equation, we adopt here a version of the kinematic approach that I will call an
"asymptotic" approach because we ask what would happen if some of the terms were
extremely (asymptotically) large or small. The simplest way to find out what
kinds of things the Induction Equation describes is to make some assumptions
about the magnetic diffusivity , whose value depends on the electrical
conductivity, or the resistance. By asking what happens when that coefficients
is very large or very small, we can examine the contributions of each term in
the equation and see what they indicate separately.
First assumption: infinite conductivity
When the conductivity of the fluid is very large - approaching
an infinite value - the value of approaches zero. In that case the term in the equation can be neglected. This situation
corresponds to a fluid with no electric resistance. In such a case there is no
energy loss from thermal effects, currents persist for long periods of time, and
the field does not "spread out" and dissipate (as it would if energy were lost
to heat). In this case, the Induction Equation reduces to
This equation "says" that changes in B (the left hand
side) are due only to the motion of the fluid (the meaning of the "gradient of
u" term is basically, the "intensity" of the motion). Then the magnetic
field lines must move with the fluid. They are "frozen" in the fluid. Recall
that we assumed that the fluid is incompressible (),
so the shape of the field is determined solely by the motion of the fluid (the
term advection is usually used to describe this motion). Click
here for a discussion
of another consequence of dropping the Laplacian from the equation.
Alternate assumption: zero conductivity
The other assumption we can make is that the conductivity is
very low, in which case the resistance is very large, and for all practical
purposes, no induced electric currents will exist. The Induction Equation
This is a diffusion equation. Its solution is a function whose
shape "spreads out" in all directions with time. The magnetic energy will be
dissipated by thermal effects in a time specified by the inverse of the
coefficient "eta". That time is about 1 second for a copper sphere whose radius
is 1 cm and about 10,000 years for the earth.
General Conditions
In reality, the conductivity of the earth's core is neither zero
nor infinite, so both advection and diffusion occur. The movement of the fluid
in the core is the ultimate source of the energy needed to regenerate the
magnetic field. Recall that I said earlier that motion would be important. The
three things said earlier to be necessary for a dynamo were an electrical
conductor, a magnet and motion. In the core, we have a metallic fluid, which is
in motion. The existing magnetic field is the third requirement.
What are the Sources of the Three Necessary Components?
1. The cause of the earth's large metallic core is felt to be
chemical separation early in the planet's history. Although it was once thought
that this process required a molten phase, presumably caused by impacts of large
meteorites as the earth grew by accretion, it appears that a molten planet may
not be necessary. In a planet with the composition of carbonaceous chondrites,
geochemistry predicts a separation into three "layers," dominated by Mg-Fe
silicates, FeS, and Fe metal. Provided the temperature is high enough, the
separation might occur even in the solid state. The density of the core is
consistent with a composition largely of iron, with some nickel and sulfur
alloyed in. So any moderately large planet consisting of refractory materials
should have a metallic core. A straightforward discussion of this point can be
found in Mussett and Brown (1981).
2. The assumption that a magnetic
field existed early in the earth's history seems reasonable considering that
magnetic fields are associated with essentially every swirling dust cloud that
can be observed with radiotelescopes.
3. Although the rotation of the
earth may be important in keeping the axis of the magnetic field nearly parallel
to the earth's rotation axis, the rotation cannot be the source of the motion in
the fluid outer core that causes the induction; it is too symmetric to produce a
magnetic field. Motion in the core itself due to thermal convection or to the
release of gravitational energy as the outer core cools and solidifies is
probably the source of the magnetic energy.
Estimates of the ability of
thermal convection to stir the core sufficiently to produce induction require
that a large amount of the earth's (radioactively decaying) potassium be present
in the core. The amount required may be unrealistic, so it is not clear what
contribution to regenerating the magnetic field thermal convection
Gravitational energy seems more likely as a source of the needed
energy. The process envisaged is based on the fact that the core must have some
nickel alloyed into the iron to produce the correct density. This mechanism
relies on the preferential deposition of a solid layer of nickel-rich material
at the edge of the outer core that is slightly denser than the material
remaining in the outer core (nickel is denser than iron). This deposition at the
boundary will result in a layer of fluid just above the boundary that is
depleted in nickel and therefore, has a lower density than the rest of the outer
core. Being lighter, it will rise and produce convective
This gravitational convection will be aided by the release
of latent heat as the fluid solidifies, and by the heat generated by the induced
electric currents.
General Comments from which Test Questions Can be
1. If the magnetic field exists because of fluid motion in the
outer core, the field should have a finite lifetime. When the earth cools to the
point that the entire core is solid, the field should decay in about 10,000
years. Whether this will ever happen is not clear because the Sun may go through
a Nova stage before that occurs, making the subject academic.
2. The
fluid zone in the earth exists because of the size of the earth. It takes a long
time for a large object to cool down. A smaller planet, say Mercury, should have
cooled completely, long ago. It should not have a fluid core. But it does have a
(weak) magnetic field. And the Galileo spacecraft has determined that Jupiter's
moon Ganymede also has a weak magnetic field. Perhaps cooling does not proceed
in these bodies in the way we envisage (if so, they may contain fluid zones), or
perhaps there is another way to maintain a magnetic field. In effect, the earth
is one "data point." It would be useful to do some other experiments to get
additional data points. Putting enough seismic instruments on Mercury to work
out the internal structure would be an interesting experiment.
3. Nothing
was said in this tutorial about reversals of the earth's magnetic field. They
are a very interesting subject, and may contain some information about the
regeneration mechanism. Because the fluid in the outer core is probably
undergoing turbulent motion (the rate of motion does not have to be large in an
object the size of the core for it to be turbulent), the reversals may be caused
by changes in the spatial patterns. Think of water boiling on a stove. The
spatial patterns develop, persist for a while, and then change. A significant
change in the direction of motion in the core might change the polarity. The
fact that it seems to be constrained to being sub-parallel to the planet's
rotation axis is probably caused by the daily rotation.
4. Reversals
probably occur because the spatial pattern of motion in the outer core changes
enough that the regeneration mechanism is not sufficient to prevent decay of the
field. So it begins to decay, but grows again as a new pattern of motion
develops. We do not know if it always reverses when the motion changes - it
could grow again in the same orientation. We would have no evidence of that
except for a weak field strength. Not knowing how weak the field would have to
be to indicate this was happening, we cannot know if this happens. But if
reversals are associated with the decay process, they should occur in
approximately the decay time - about 10,000 years. Is that long
enough for the higher levels of cosmic and solar radiation that would strike the
planet to affect evolutionary processes? As far as I know, no one has been able
to correlate an extinction or speciation event with a reversal. But that may be
because the correlation would depend on accurate dates for each event, something
we do not have. Even if they are assigned the same dates, did they really occur
5. How often does Geology or Geophysics make the "front
page?" The July 19, 1996 edition of the New York Times contained an article on
the Inner Core (IC) of the earth on page one! It seems that some seismologists
at Lamont-Doherty Observatory have determined that the IC rotates independently
of the rest of the planet. The rate is such that it should "lap" the rest of the
planet in a few hundred years - a very rapid rate.
The determination was
made using a newly discovered lag time in seismic waves passing through the IC
from north to south. It was known that the IC is anisotropic - seismic waves
travel in the north-south direction more rapidly than in the east-west
direction. But recently, they found that the travel time of north-south waves
differed from that measured a few years ago. The explanation must involve
The reason for the change is that the rotation axis of the IC
is tilted a bit relative to the north-south rotation axis of the planet. So the
IC precesses a bit as it rotates. As it precesses, the "fast" and "slow"
directions rotate in space, so after a while, waves traveling in the north-south
direction sample material from a slightly different direction - and their travel
time changes.
The cause of the rotation must be related to the Magnetic
field. The field induced by motions in the outer core must be producing a torque
that tweaks the IC and changes its angular momentum. In effect, the IC is
behaving like the armature of an electric motor.
Most intermediate level books on Electrodynamics have a chapter
on Magnetohydrodynamics, which deals with dynamo processes. They all should
derive the Induction Equation (or at least, display it prefaced by the words "it
can be shown"). But most of the treatments are concerned with plasma physics
rather than fields generated in true fluids. An exception is the following book
which contains an advanced discussion of topics related to the dynamo mechanism.
And it has sections dealing with the earth's magnetic field.
P.H., 1967, An Introduction to Magnetohydrodynamics: American Elsevier
Publishing Co., New York.
For a recent, advanced discussion of
current research on the magnetic field, the following book is recommended. In
addition to the standard topics, the authors cover topics from Nonlinear
Dynamics, such as chaotic motion in an electrically conducting fluid. They
emphasize the importance to the induction process of complex motions in the
core. The first chapter is fairly straightforward but the rest is very heavy
Childress, S and A. Gilbert, 1995, Stretch, Twist, Fold: The
Fast Dynamo: Spring Verlag, Berlin.
There are not
many good, largely non-mathematical introductions to Geophysics available. One
such book with a good chapter on the thermal processes occurring in the Core is
the following. Unfortunately, this edition of the book is dated. I understand a
new edition is out but I have not seen it. For some reason, as each new printing
of the original edition came out, few of the errors in the original were
corrected. But chapter 6, on the earth's core is still reliable and worth
reading. The section on chemical differentiation of the earth in chapter 5 is
also worth reading. Anyone with introductory courses in Physics and Chemistry
should be able to follow the material.
Brown, G. and A. Musset, 1981, The Inaccessible Earth:
George Allen & Unwin, London.
The vector operations used to
derive the Induction Equation are usually covered in a third semester Calculus
course. A good discussion of them can be found in chapter 3 of the text I used
in school. I believe it is still in print.
Kaplan, w, 1952, Advanced Calculus: Addison-Wesley
Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, MA.
Return to the
Teaching Laboratory
Physical Significance of the Vector Operators
Curl and Divergence
The curl consists of several terms of the form
The rates of change of the x component of B in the y
direction and the y component of B in the x direction, describe a
shearing motion. So the curl represents a rotation. The complete expression
contains terms of the same form involving the x and z components, which are
added to this one. So the vector notation, ()
saves a lot of space.
The divergence also represents rates of change but
in this case, we have sums instead of differences.
The change in the x component of B in the x direction is
determined and added to equivalent quantities in the y and z directions.
Physically, this operation describes the compression or extension of a material.
Note that
something) = 0 is a conservation condition, as it denotes zero volume
So the curl and divergence allow us to represent rotations and
volume changes in fluids. How do we go about using them? Read on.
Using the Curl and Divergence
The vector operators, curl and divergence provide more than a
shorthand notation. They allow us to separate out different effects.
example, if you want to determine whether or by how much a quantity is changing,
you differentiate it. The derivative gives you an expression or a value for the
rate of change. When you are dealing with vector quantities, you have more
options. If a variable is incompressible (e.g. water), the divergence of the
quantity will be zero. If the quantity is not rotating, taking the curl will
give zero.
When you have an expression that may involve both volume
change and rotation, you can study them separately by taking the divergence and
curl separately. The substitutions that are used (below) to derive the equation
that represents the earth's magnetic field would have resulted in something much
too complicated to interpret. Taking the curl of both sides (if you do it to one
side, you have to do it to the other) simplifies things. It allowed us to
separate the volume effects from the rotation effects.
to the text. Or read on for another application.
Other Applications of the Curl and the Divergence
Curl and divergence are not limited to fluids. In the early part
of the 19th Century, Cauchy used these operations (though not the
vector notation, which had not yet been developed) to study the properties of
elastic solids. He started with an equation of motion (Newton's Second Law),
invoked Hooke's Law to relate stress to deformation, and then applied the curl
and divergence (separately) to the result. He ended up with three wave
equations, one for compression and two for shear (two equations, because shear
waves can be polarized, so vertically and horizontally vibrating shear motions
are possible). In this way he was able to show that the only ways to deform an
elastic solid are to compress it or shear it, and therefore only two kinds of
wave motion can propagate through an elastic such as the earth - compressional
and shear waves.
to the text.
Derivation of an Equation that Describes the
Dynamo Mechanism
This section may seem too formidable to bother with. But you
should wade though it anyway. In particular, you should not be concerned if you
see no physical significance in some of the steps because in some cases, there
is none. Sometimes we have to use mathematical identities to simplify complex
terms. Like the curl and the divergence, these identities are introduced in
third semester Calculus courses.
To begin, we try to eliminate as many of
the variables as possible. We can get rid of the current J by taking
Ohm's Law and substituting it into the right hand side of Ampere's Law. That
This does not appear to be simpler than the original version
(instead of two variables, we now have four), but we'll get rid of the extra
ones shortly. Now we take the curl of both sides (Click here to learn
The left hand side is simplified using the vector identity (one
of those things that has logical but no physical significance)
alone (on the right hand side) represents the gradient, not the divergence. It
is the shorthand notation for the rate of change of a component in each of the
three directions. It is not important here because Gauss' law tells us that that
term is zero. Then we are left with the second term, called the Laplacian
operator, which, when written out, has the form
This term's physical significance is related to the curvature of
the magnetic field.
So the left hand side of the equation obtained by
combining Ampere's and Ohm's Laws simplifies to the Laplacian. Looking at the
right hand side, the curls of the two terms can be simplified somewhat.
Faraday's Law lets us substitute - for
term. Then, bringing everything left over to the left hand side, we
where = 1/ has dimensions L2/T, and is called the
magnetic diffusivity.
This equation may not look simple, but it is down
to two variables, u and B. It "says" that the rate at which the
magnetic field B changes with time (the
term) is affected by the motion of the conducting fluid (through its velocity
u) in which the field is established, as well as by the dissipation of
B (represented by the Laplacian) due to thermal effects.
equation is called the Induction Equation because it shows that the value
of the magnetic field strength B, is affected by the interaction between
B and the motion of the fluid in which B has developed.
Interpretation of the Induction Equation is simplified if we revise the
cross product term. Another useful vector identity is
This beast is more complicated than is necessary. On the right
hand side, the term
can be eliminated (by invoking Gauss' Law) and, if we assume that the conducting
fluid is incompressible, we can set
(recall the comment about divergence being a conservation condition).
That leaves
the middle term in the Induction Equation, which takes the form
This is still not very simple, so now we adopt a Lagrangian
viewpoint by imagining that we are moving along with a point in the fluid as it
moves. To do this, we extend the concept of the derivative to include spatial as
well as temporal changes. The operator
is called the "material" or convective derivative. The first
term on the right hand side gives the time rate of change of a quantity such as
B and the second term gives the change due to movement of the point as
the fluid flows. The sum of the two describes the total change in the quantity.
After incorporation of the term
in the derivative, the Induction Equation takes the form
Now we see clearly that the time history of the magnetic field
has two components, one involving the dissipation of the field due to thermal
effects (the Laplacian) and the other involving spatial variations in the flow
(the dot product).
to the text.
Relevance of the Induction
The equation has the form of an advection-diffusion equation.
Without the curl of (u x B) it would be a standard Parabolic
partial differential equation, such as those describing diffusion of materials
and the flow of heat. The term involving the curl represents advective or
convective transport.
Equations of this form are commonly used in
Hydrogeologic studies to represent the movement of a plume of a contaminant
through groundwater. As the plume moves downgradient (the advective effect), it
also spreads out (the effect of diffusion). The relative importance of the two
phenomena on the shape of the plume depends on different properties of the
medium. The relative magnitudes of the diffusion coefficient (which governs
changes in shape) and the permeability (which governs horizontal and vertical
transport of the entire mass of material) determine the concentration of the
pollutant at some distance from the source, at some time after introduction to
the groundwater. The Induction Equation does not have a permeability
coefficient; the ratio of the inverse of the velocity u and the diffusion
time might be the equivalent comparison.
to the text.
Solving the induction Equation
The dynamic approach utilizes a
separate equation for the velocity u, an equation that must be solved
simultaneously with the one for B. The "equation of motion" is a
complicated form of Newton's second law, called the Navier Stokes equation
(using vector notation it is one equation; it takes three equations if you write
out expressions in all three dimensions separately). This equation for u
is coupled to the one for B because the magnetic field affects the motion
of a conducting fluid.
This equation of motion rarely can be solved
because it is non-linear; some of the terms are squared. In addition, the
boundary conditions (basically the geometry appropriate for the problem) often
involves non-linear terms, which also complicates things. For these reasons, it
is usually necessary to solve the problem (the coupled equations for u
and B) numerically, on a computer This gives quantitative results, but is
fraught with problems associated with the approximations needed to do the
numerical integration.
The kinematic approach proceeds by making
an assumption about the form of u instead of trying to solve for it. That
way, you only need to deal with the equation for B. If the expression
used for u is not too complicated, the kinematic analysis of the Induction
Equation lets us determine the balance between the dissipation due to thermal
losses and the regenerative effects of the motion.
to the text.
Consequences of Reducing the Order of a
Differential Equation
Neglecting the Laplacian in the Induction Equation has serious
consequences for anyone wishing to carry out a complete analysis of the
Induction Equation. Derivatives tell us that a variable is changing smoothly, so
ignoring a derivative is equivalent to introducing a discontinuity into the
problem, normally at a boundary. "Boundary conditions" relate the mathematics
problem to the real world. If we neglect the Laplacian and thereby reduce the
"order" or the equation by two derivatives, we have to compensate by changing
something at the boundaries also. In fluid mechanics problems, the correction
usually consists of positing the existence of a "boundary layer," a narrow zone
in which the properties of things (in this case, the magnetic field) change
abruptly. Entire books have been written about the very subtle techniques called
"singular perturbation methods" that have been devised to deal with boundary
to the text.