Il campo magnetico della Terra
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Earth's magnetic field


  1. Does the Earth have more than two magnetic poles?

  2. Is there a relationship between Earth's rotation and its magnetic field?

  3. What do we know about Earth's ancient magnetic field?

  4. Is it true that organic matter cannot pass through the van Allen radiation belts?

  5. Did the Earth gain a new van Allen radiation belt in 1998?

  6. How do magnetic fields affect navigation systems?

  7. Where is the biggest difference between true north and magnetic north?

  8. Why does the magnetic pole of the Earth flip?

  9. What is the strongest magnetic field ever known?

  10. Do animals really use magnetism in any interesting way to navigate?

  11. How do geomagnetic storms affect us?

  12. Does the Earth's magnetic field daily changes affect plant germination and growth?

  13. How do you prove the earth has a magnetic field without a compass?

  14. Can you measure magnetic field changes on land, in the sea and in the air, from space?

  15. Do magnets loose their magnetism in space when they are outside the earth's magnetosphere?

  16. Where is the geomagnetic pole currently located?

  17. Could the changing magnetic field erase computer data?

  18. Why does the earth's magnetic field reverse polarity?

  19. What causes the Earth's magnetic field to shift, and does it do this regularly?

  20. How long does an earth magnetic field reversal take and is it harmful to humans?

  21. Who discovered the reversal of the Earth's magnetic field?

  22. Do magnetic fields exist throughout space?

  23. How does a magnetic field differ from a gravitational field?

  24. Is the Earth about to reverse its magnetic field?

  25. Is the Earth's magnetic field changing?

  26. What would happen if the magnetic field of the Earth suddenly changed?

  27. Is it true that the Earth's magnetosphere is expanding?

  28. Does the reversal of the Sun's magnetic field have any effect on the Earth?



Auroras and the Ionosphere



  1. Do sunspots affect the brightness and color of aurora?

  2. How much power do aurora produce and can we use it?

  3. Do aurora produce infrared emission?

  4. Why do we use X-rays to study aurora?

  5. How can you artificially create aurora?

  6. Could the Magnetar Event of August 27, 1998 have caused the aurora also seen at that time?

  7. Where can I get information about the Aurora?

  8. Can you make artificial northern lights?

  9. Can you say anything about the March, 1989 aurora?

  10. I recently heard a high-pitched hum while watching an aurora from British Columbia, was I imagining it?

  11. Does the ionosphere only reflect radio waves at large angles?

  12. What is the southernmost latitude that an aurora can be seen in the northern hemisphere?

  13. Who discovered the first aurora?

  14. How do solar flares affect auroras?

  15. When do auroras occur?

  16. How do auroras differ from day to night?

  17. What effects do auroras have on the Earth?

  18. Does your job bring you into contact with auroras?

  19. What is an aurora?

  20. During which months can auroras be most easily seen?

  21. How hot do auroras get?

  22. What does the solar activity cycle have to do with auroral activity?

  23. How low to the ground do auroras get?

  24. How long have auroras been observed on the Earth?

  25. Are the northern lights seen in the southern hemisphere simultaneously?

  26. What is the nature of the boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space?

  27. What is the South Atlantic Anomaly?

  28. What causes auroras to have different colors?

  29. Do aurora produce radio waves?

  30. What are some of the early theories about auroras?

  31. Are auroras seen on other planets?

  32. How long have auroras been observed?

  33. How do auroras affect the Earth?

  34. What would happen if you traveled through an aurora?

  35. Why don't auroras happen near the equator?

  36. Can you hear an aurora?

  37. How are auroras produced?

  38. Is it true that the Earth's magnetosphere is expanding?

  39. Does the reversal of the Sun's magnetic field have any effect on the Earth?



Per approfondimenti, consultare gli articoli allegati.

Ultima revisione :22/08/2002                         MAPPA